The Growing Integration of Marketing, Business Development and DEI (Part 1)

The Growing Integration of Marketing, Business Development and DEI (Part 1)

By Ashley Black, Terra Davis, Patricia Gaitan, SJ Snyder
March 07, 2024 | 19-minute episode
Marketing Management and Leadership Firm Organizational Structure and Dynamics Content Type Podcast Content Level: Essential
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LMA Podcast · The Growing Integration of Marketing, Business Development and DEI (Part 1)

Episode: 112

Episode Description:
In this two-part conversation on the phenomenon of the legal marketing field’s growing integration with DEI, LMA members in the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) space offer advice on developing DEI-related roles and career paths within our industry.

Ashley Black, Diversity & Inclusion Manager, Porter Hedges LLP (Host)
Terra Davis, Chief Diversity and Talent Development Officer, Knobbe Martens
Patricia Gaitan, Diversity and Pro Bono Marketing Manager, Arnold & Porter LLP
SJ Snyder, DEI Specialist, Holland and Hart LLP

​Series Description:
The LMA Podcast focuses on hot topics in legal marketing and business development with conversations driven by industry professionals.

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Ashley Black
Porter Hedges LLP
Terra Davis
Knobbe Martens
Patricia Gaitan
Arnold & Porter LLP
SJ Snyder
Holland and Hart LLP